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8 Major Reasons You're Not Getting Website Conversions

Written by Matthew Boyle | September 9, 2018 at 6:44 PM

Did you know that there are more than 600 million active websites on the internet? This means one thing for you as a business owner: competition. To overcome all this competition, you'll need to stand out and be different from the rest of the brands in your space. This will get you more and more website traffic.

But what if you have a good amount of traffic but aren't converting any of your visitors? That's a whole other problem.

The good news is that there are actionable things you can do to improve your site. Here are 8 major reasons you're not getting website conversions and how to fix them.


1. Design is Your Only Focus

Look, don't get us wrong. Your website should be visually appealing. Great web design is a must for your site! But too often, companies focus more on the look of their site than the goal of their site. When this happens, you miss out on potential conversions.

You should do everything you can to find out the goals of your website visitors and then help them achieve them. If you don't, other businesses will.

Once you've decided on the goals for your site, whether it's to have people buy online, fill out a contact form, or click to call you, you're on the right track to improving your conversion rate.


2. You're Talking Their Ear Off

Ever been at a party and got stuck talking with someone who wouldn't stop blabbing? We all know how terrible that is. Too many websites do this to their visitors. They see their website as a one-way communication medium like a billboard or print advertisement.

That's not how it should be! Your site should be a place for two-way communication where you're focused on what your visitors need instead of just talking their ear off.

To do this, work with your customer support team. They're the ones having direct interaction with your customers most often, hearing about the issues they're having and understanding what people are looking for.

Then, tailor your copy to make your customers the hero, not your company. When you do this, they'll feel empowered, listened to, and want to do contact with you.


3. You're Just Guessing

Marketing in the past was super hard to measure. Who knows exactly how many people noticed your magazine ad or read your billboard? Nowadays, however, there's a wealth of data that can help you improve conversions. But still, too many marketers and business owners don't take advantage of this data like they should.

If you haven't done a lot with analytics before, it can be overwhelming at first. But start with your goals. What are you trying to do and what counts as a success?

Once you identify this, you can look at the metrics that will help you reach that goal. From there, you know what data to focus on.


4. You're Giving People Too Many Options

It's tempting to stuff your pages full of information in order to convince people to buy from you. But this actually has the opposite effect! Instead, keep things simple.

When a single page has ten competing calls to action, people usually end up taking no action. So make sure every page has only one main goal.

It's okay to have one or two sub-goals, but the main goal should be clear and repeated often throughout the page.


5. Another Website Conversions Issue: Your Value Isn't Clear

Your website should convince people of your value. When they're done looking through your pages, it should be clear what your value is and why they should feel good working with you.

What can you promise to deliver to your visitors? Make this clear and repeat it often throughout your pages.


6. You're Not Human Enough

Does your copy sound super corporate? We're thinking mid-90's Microsoft user guide corporate. In some industries and with certain brands, this is to be expected. But in the majority of cases, your web copy should be casual, relatable, and easy to read. People aren't here to read a dissertation! They are here to get to know your brand.

You only have a few seconds to grab people's attention. That's because the average attention span is now only 8 seconds, which is less than a goldfish's. If you sound like a corporate robot, people will be turned off. Instead, tell people about who you are and why you do what you do.

One great way to do this is through videos that feature your company history or stories from satisfied customers.


7. You Don't Address Objections

Every time someone is thinking about buying a product or service, there are certain objections that can get in the way. So one of your jobs is to address these and downplay them.Think about the common hesitations people have when thinking about doing business with you.

Do they want more product information? Do they want to know how you compare with your competitors? Do they think your prices are too high? Do they want to trust you more?

No matter the objections, you should address them head-on.

Feature customer stories and testimonials. Talk about the success people have using your products or services. Perhaps include a comparison chart that outlines the differences between you and the competition.

These are just a few ways to address people's objections.


8. You're Not Testing

Last but not least, don't forget to test. When it comes to inbound marketing, this is a huge part of the process. But not enough companies actively do it. When you implement a new form, new image, or new copy, for example, you should look at the analytics. Does the change improve or decrease conversions?

Always be testing different things on your site so you can find the optimal situation.



There you have it: 8 reasons you're missing out on website conversions. To change this, decide which of these tips you want to implement on your site starting now.

Have questions or want help optimizing your site? Our team does that all day every day and is happy to help you too. Contact us today!