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8 Tips for Writing a Blog Post That People Will Actually Read

Written by Matthew Boyle | November 12, 2018 at 4:20 PM

The very minute you read this blog post, some 542,000 other web pages get read too.

That's right. Because Internet users consume content off of 23.7 billion web pages every month.

That's over a whopping 8.65 trillion pages every year.

In any case, that should tell you how powerful blogging is. In fact, it has such a huge influence on U.S. consumers that 61% of them bought something based on a post they read. It's also a solid marketing tool, which is why a third of Fortune 500 companies maintain a public blog.

That's why you should start writing a blog post for your business or brand ASAP.

But first, let's be realistic. Writing something and getting people to actually read it are two different stories.

Don't worry though! That's exactly why we're here. We'll show you how to get both done, so, make sure you keep reading.

1. Do Your Homework on the Types of Subjects People Like Reading About

Unless you're going to blog for personal reasons, then you'd want to write about stuff people want to read. Because no matter how expertly-written a piece is, if it doesn't appeal to an audience, no one would read it.

Where can you get ideas though?

There's no better source of info on what to write about than your own crowd. By that, we mean your target market.

Twitter and Reddit are some platforms your target audience are likely active in. People tend to ask questions and share their interests in these platforms. As such, keep that in mind as you research what people want to read.

Google Trends and Keyword Planner are also useful apps that'll help you lock in on blog ideas. The results they give are mostly based on user searches. That means you can talk about something that people are really looking for.

How-to's, guides, checklists, and infographics are some of the best types of content out there. To increase your first ever blog post's success, consider one of these formats.


2. Choose a Topic You're an Expert On

Once you've got a list of possible blog topics, focus on those you already have actual knowledge of. This'll help make your first blog post a cinch, not to mention more enjoyable to write.

Let's say you're a restaurant owner. What's a great pitch?

You (and the rest of the world) already know everyone loves (or at least needs) food. But not everyone knows the 4th of November is National Candy Day.

That, right there, can be an interesting topic for your blog post. Not only is it attention-garnering - but it's also something new to a lot of people!

Didn't know there was such a day? In that case, you'd want to check out this social media calendar that's all about food celebrations.

Going back to the main topic...

The point is, it's wise to stick to a subject you know you can ace. This allows you to reveal to your readers that you truly are an industry expert. This then gives your writing greater credibility.

The more knowledgeable and legit your piece is, the more people will trust your word. Not only are they more likely to read your entire piece; they may even share your post!


3. Use a Catchy Title to Capture Your Audience Right off the Bat

You know what they say about having your 15 minutes of fame? Well, your blog post only has 15 seconds.


Because that's the length of time average readers give blogs their attention. From there, they'll scan and skim, rather than read word-per-word.

The first few seconds are the most crucial though. That's why your title should hook and latch on to their attention from the very beginning.

If you're still reading this post, then its title did the trick.

First, because we used a specific number to punch up the otherwise plain title of "How to Write a Blog Post". We then followed it up by presenting a greater value. That's the part that says how to get people to actually read your posts.

Again, anyone can write a blog post, but not all posts get read. Our title already tells readers from the very start the value they'll get from reading this post.


4. Make the First Sentence as Surprising or Shocking as Your Headline

Reel in your readers further with a little surprise or even a big shock. Statistics are a great way to do that.

It's much like how we mentioned in our first sentence that hundreds of thousands of posts get read every minute. That likely surprised, even shocked you, didn't it?

So, try using the same tactic when writing blogs. This won't only get people's attention - it'll also make your write-ups even more credible. Remember, there are 30.6 million U.S. bloggers, and being trustworthy is key to staying ahead of them.

(See what we did there?)


5. Don't Forget to Link to Credible Sources

This is one of the tips for writing a blog you won't encounter that often. But it's still important because it boosts your piece's trustworthiness. If readers think everything you wrote is guesswork, you won't get any conversion.

Make sure your sources are in fact credible though. News publications, government sites, high-ranking blogs, and research platforms are some examples.


6. Make it Readable by Breaking Down Your Paragraphs

Most people don't like reading blocks and blocks of text. That's why you won't find high-ranking blogs with posts chock full of lengthy paragraphs.

Simply put, you want your paragraphs brief and concise, with only two to three paragraphs each. It's fine if you use one-line paragraphs on points you want to emphasize.

Don't forget your target audience as you craft your piece though. Yes, you want to keep things as fun and readable as possible. But you wouldn't want your post to sound like something a second-grader wrote.

At the same time, avoid using too many big words. Stick to simple yet straightforward sentences, as these are easier to digest. The quicker the readers understand what you're saying, the more they'll remember.


7. Insert Images for Better Visualization

On the web, pictures paint 60,000 words. That's because compared to plain text, the brain processes images 60,000 times faster. Experts also say visuals can increase learning, memorization, and retention by 400%.

So long as the use of visual aids are appropriate to your content, then feel free to add some. Aside from the benefits above, images can also make things more interesting. That's a great way to make people want to keep reading what you've written.


8. Go Out with a Bang

You're about to conclude your post, so why not end it with style? Hit your readers with another shocking statistic or a fact that only few people know. Then, follow it up with a call-to-action, which directs them to other pages of your website.

The important thing is, don't choose the easy way out. It would be a shame to come to a boring close after all the hype you managed to build.


Writing a Blog Post Doesn't Have to be a Pain

Whenever you're writing a blog post, keep in mind that piece can result in 126% greater lead growth. But that means you have to make it as high quality, interesting, and credible as possible.

Follow the tips we've shared for writing blogs, and you'll be a step closer to having people read your content. Keep writing blogs about what people want, and you may soon be their top go-to source for information.

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