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How to Build A Landing Page That Will Convert Sales

Getting landing pages built is one of the top challenges of B2B marketers, but it doesn't have to be. In retrospect, a strong landing page involves knowing who you are speaking to and how to speak to them.

If you're selling multiple products or services it's important to carve out a clear and concise goal for your landing page. Trying to push too many things onto the reader can be confusing and overwhelming.

So the first step is to prioritize what you want to sell and how you want to sell it.

Read on to discover 15 actionable tidbits to hep you create the perfect landing page.

Know Your Competition

More often than not the content and information on a landing page can be extremely repetitive. This is why it's important to check out your competitions landing page to be sure you're not saying the same thing.

This is especially true if the competition is more established or has a larger fan base. The last thing you want is to sound like an echo.


Consider Your Audience

There is no exact script or formula to writing a landing page, that's because the most important factor is your audience. Know your tribe, what's important to them and what kind of language they respond to.

Draft up an ICA (Ideal Client Avatar) and imagine you're taking them out to a coffee, what would you want to say? Now don't forget who you're talking to.


Address the Pain Point

While it may be tempting to name all your achievements to gain trust, all your audience really cares about is "what's in it for me". So be clear in addressing the pain point and how your product or service can be a solution.

This is even better if you can show how you've experienced the same pain point in your own life. Remember, no one wants to take a weight loss course from someone who's never struggled with their own weight.


Keep It Short

Have you ever been on a landing page that seems to stretch on for days without ever getting to the point? Who has time for that? Even if you're providing solid content (and we hope you are), people only have a certain amount of time before you lose their attention.

So keep it short, informative, and appealing.


Provide High-Value Content

Nothing drives traffic like real, high-quality content. Be sure you're not just selling, but educating as well. In the very least, the content on your landing page should leave the reader feeling inspired.

If you're not sure of your content is where it should be, then ask yourself this: even if they don't buy anything, does the reader leave my page with more knowledge than what they came with? If the answer is yes, you're in a good place.


Limit Exit Points

For SEO purposes backlinks are a powerful tool in driving traffic. However, when it comes to your landing page you want to go in the opposite direction.

Remember, this is the end of the funnel, this is the part where you finally drive the sale home. The last thing you want is to distract a potential buyer with a link to somewhere else on your site.


Don't Forget Design

While content is wildly important to your landing page, it actually has to look appealing if you plan on holding your audience's attention. Put the same amount of time and energy into your landing page as you would in your home page.

For many of the people visiting your landing page, this is their first impression of you! So make it count.


Know Your Call to Action

While leading your audience down your awesome, totally curated funnel there's something important you want to drive home, and that's your call to action.

Your call to action is what you want your audience to do! Is it sign up? Share? Buy? Be direct and create a strong sense of urgency.


Don't Be Afraid of Video

Many people shy away from using video because they are afraid the quality won't be professional enough or because they don't have the budget for a full film crew. The important thing to remember here is that you're talking to your audience, not creating a Hollywood movie.

Audiences love knowing that there's a real person behind all that web lingo, and that's what they respond to!


Keep Images Relevant

If someone is signing up for a course about balancing their lifestyle or engaging their health, the last thing they need to see is a bunch of cutesy desk flat lays.

Images on your landing page should be relevant to the product or pain point of your audience, and most importantly it should be relatable and not too out of reach.


Only Ask For What You Need

You have finally gotten your audience to follow your content to the sign-up form. They are excited, they are with you, they are...totally put off by how much information you're asking for.

Don't put in all that work in crafting the perfect landing page just to lose them at the sign-up form. If you need additional information just ask for a name and email address and email them any extra details.


Share Share Share

You want to make it as easy as possible for your audience to share your page and message, so be sure everything has a share button for social media.

That means videos, photos, and the page itself should all be shareable. Extra points if you can get a Pinterest button on there as well!


Testimonials Matter

Even if all your content is dead on, at the end of the day these people don't know you and it's difficult to hand your money over to a stranger.

Calm their nerves by providing them with plenty of testimonials about your product or services. It's even better if you can provide a screenshot of an actual post, comment or message praising your service so they know you didn't simply ask for a testimonial.


Check Your Phone

The majority of web traffic comes from mobile phones, so if you're putting all of this work into a phone site that isn't mobile compatible you're wasting your time.

Check your site on a mobile device before launching, and then check it again! Remember, Google now penalizes sites that aren't mobile friendly and you don't want to hurt your ranking.


Creating Engagement

Now that you know how to build a landing page, we suggest learning how to create and hold engagement with your audience. Assuming your landing page worked as it should, you have new customers. Now it's your job to keep them.

Whether it's crafting a brilliant social media calendar or revamping your inbound marketing, take the right steps to build a long lasting relationship with your audience. 


Matthew Boyle
Matthew Boyle

I help small- and medium-size businesses effectively leverage their online presence in order to increase brand awareness, target ideal clients and increase leads and revenue.


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